Taking care of our energetic twin

It’s widely accepted that factors in our environment can cause health problems: we can catch diseases from the air that we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat and anything that we care to touch.

Fresh air, clean drinking water and unadulterated food is a must for our health and, in most civilised countries it’s a given.  In other words, a healthy environment is good for us.

Etheric bodySo, if this works on the physical level then it should also be so on the energetic level.  Our physical bodies have an energy twin: the etheric body.  If something happens to it the effect can manifest in the physical body.  Likewise, if our physical body is unhealthy it shows in our etheric body.

Therefore taking care of our energetic environment is as important as ensuring our physical environment is conducive to good health.

Humans are closely linked to the earth.  Our vibrations are similar to the natural vibrations of the earth.  Being ‘in tune’ with the earth keeps our energy bodies, and therefore our physical bodies, in tune, ie. healthy.

However, if that natural vibration is distorted regularly or for a long period of time, so our energetic body will react and our physical cells resulting in illness.

And what distorts that natural vibration?  It can be from the earth herself: fault lines, underground water, caverns and energy lines all have an effect.  This is known as Geopathic Stress.  There are also man-made causes (Technopathic Stress or Electrosmog) such as overhead power lines, mobile phone masts and microwave ovens.  And finally our own spiritual world can contribute to our dis-harmony: dis-incarnate souls, entities, demons or guardians (Geopsychic Stress).

All of these have an effect on our energetic environment.  All of these can have an effect on our physical health.  You may not be able to see it but you still need to protect yourself against it.  So, if you have your physical house in order it’s time to start looking at your energetic one.  For more information on the causes, effects and what can be done go to my website.

Jackie Notman is a business and feng shui consultant.  This article is from her blog ‘Life – and everything else’ where you’ll find an eclectic mix of articles and information.

Business Energetics is based on classic Feng Shui principles and brings together your environment and your people into one harmonised and focussed profit machine. 

If you would like to find out more about how your business could benefit from living in harmony with your environment, and using energy to your advantage, contact Jackie Notman on 07920 461574 or through her website http://www.fs168.co.uk/businessenergetics

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